Entrepreneurship Cell Shri Vriddhi

Entrepreneurship Cell Shri Vriddhi in Collaboration with Wadhwani Foundation

The E-Cell of Shri Shikshayatan College was set up in 2008. The College runs regular Entrepreneurship Course which trains students

  • And inculcates the passion and spirit among students to pursue entrepreneurship.
  • Spreads the knowledge about entrepreneurship through guest lectures etc.
  • Motivates students to develop their own Start-ups.
  • Helps Identify the brightest ideas and giving them a platform to convert them into real ventures.

In the 2021 23 Students of Entrepreneurship Foundation Course have received international Certification from Wadhwani Foundation.

The Shri Vriddhi Students have always been very active. Before Covid they used to organise E-Week. Post Covid they organised the first one day Intra College Entrepreneurship competition “Shree Arohan” 2022. The event had inspiring stories from Vineeta Dudheria an ex student and a successful entrepreneur. Budding Student Entrepreneurs put up stalls for a few hours and saw sales of over 50,000 Rupees. There were also Quiz on Entrepreneurship, Competition on Business Plan and how to start a Business.

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